Trimester 1

This page is a online notebook for all my CSP Week Projects and other stuff


Review Tickets:

Review Tickets

Collegeboard Notes:

4.1 Notes

1.4 Notes

1.3 Notes

1.2 Notes

Week Summary:
Week 0 Created a Fast Page
Week 1 We used python to create a quiz and performed a bash check to see if our tools were working
Week 2 We created a list, dictionary, and iterations. Also implemented Dark Mode and messed around with the themes
Week 3 We worked with and creating an app using JavaScript
Week 4 We made a video on the process for a local server
Week 5 We worked on creating HTML Fragments and Javascript to create objects, arrays, and datatables.
Week 6 We worked on AWS, assignment got cancelled
Week 7 We created a list, dictionary, and iterations. Also implemented Dark Mode and messed around with the themes