Video 1 Notes:

  • Computers send data through packets - in a specific order, small amount of data with source and destination
  • A computer system is a group of computing devices working for the same purpose
  • A network of interconnected computing devices sending and/or receiving data
  • Packets are reassembled by the user’s device
  • Routing is the finding of the path from the sender to the receiver
  • Bandwidth is maximum amount of data that can be sent in a certain period of time
  • Bits/Second

    Video 2 Notes:

  • Open Systems Interconnect is the layers you have to go through to communicate, Transmission Control Protocol is a common standard for sending messages between devices on the internet, Internet Engineering Task Force manages the development of standards and technical discussions concerning the internet in an open and collaborative process
  • Network Access Layer - Focused on hardware and protocols that carry 0’s and 1’s between devices
  • Network Access/Internet Layer Data Transmission
  • A protocol is a set of rules that specify the behavior of a system
  • Internet, Transport, Application Layers:
    • Internet - Sized and scaled to meet new demands
    • Transport - How the packets are sent, and for what
    • Application - Web Servers and DNS (converts url to and IP Address)
  • WWW is not the internet