Video 1 Notes:

  • A development process can be ordered and intentional or exploratory in nature
  • A lot of development is required for a program to be easier for the user

    Video 2 Notes:

  • Programs made with group of people
  • Programming from others needs made for themselves and credit
  • Different people in same group work on different things
  • Credit always given to the people who took part in it
  • Program documentation should include the author’s name and the source of the code segments used

    Video 3 Notes:

  • Comments used to tell others and themselves what code does
  • Used to describe the program , specificities, along with authors and contributors
  • Developers track the process while programming
  • Comments can help the efficiency of programming
  • Helps programmers to find bugs or understand what each piece of code says
  • In python use # for comments
  • Html is < !–Comment–>
  • To comment in Java, you need to put a //, /* Comments/, /** Documentation/

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