Video 1 Notes:

  • 4 Types of Errors: Logic (Caused by the programmer making a mistake in the algorithm which causes the program to behave unexpectedly), Syntax (a typo or writes some code or forgets to write code, doesn’t follow language), Run-Time Error (Program fails while running mostly due to a bug so cannot run code entirely), Overflow Error (Memory Allocation constraint prevents calculations from taking place)

    Video 2 Notes:

  • Syntax Error is easiest to identify
  • Error helps identify and correct an error
  • Logic Errors hard to find; Using test cases can help find these errors easier
  • Handtracing is another method to help in smaller segements of code that iterates
  • Visualizations with graphs, tables, color and more can help identify errors
  • Debuggers can help test for any errors that may exist

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