
  • 40% of College Students report more than the average level of stress
  • 1/3 of Students were so depressed that they could not do much
  • Around 60% of students experience anxiety
  • Over 50% of them feel lonely a lot of the time
  • Over 80% of them feel overwhelmed with all they have to do
  • About 1 out of 4 students at Yale took the class, and they were people who had a lot of stress and anxiety
  • Whatever state you are in, you can improve it and control your emotions
  • What people think are going to make them happy might not actually make them happy
  • Becoming happier takes a lot of work and requires a lot of work everyday
  • People think things like Salary are important to happiness, but as you earn more money, you think you need more to enjoy Ways to be happier:
  • Helping other people can really help to improve your happiness
  • If you share what you are grateful for everyday, it can make your life much more happier
  • Getting distracted can make you less happy, and people do not really pay attention on what they are doing

My Gratitude List:

  • Friends and Family for always having my back in tough times
  • The Community which provides me with a safe environment to develop
  • For my teachers who always support my education