Create Task Idea

I want to make a app where the user can input data and the data is then stored and then they can decide if they want multiple data inputs into one set and the output is a flashcard with the data that the user inputs. It can also create quizzes based on that information

Planning the Create Task

  • Row 1: Program Purpose and Function
  • The purpose of the program is to store data and represent it while encouraging organization. The user inputs their information they want to save down to the flashcard and they can recall these and use them to benefit them in everyday life
  • Row 2: Data Abstraction
  • What the user wants to store and use for future studying and stuff
  • Row 3: Managing Complexity
  • Lists and Dictionaries would make storing the data significantly easier and allow for multiple data sets
  • Row 4: Procedural Abstraction
  • The program will be able to identify similar information and provide the user with the option to label it and be organized so they are readily available at any time
  • Row 5: Algorithm Implementation
  • I will be using sequencing, selecting, and iterating in order to make the program put the data together and create the flash cards
  • Row 6: Testing
  • While creating the program, I will make sure to test the code multiple times to ensure that the code is functioning properly and is doing what I want it to do and even make my friends test it to make sure any bugs don’t get lost