Final Score

Question 11

For this question, I forgot that the and function as long as one of the conditions if true, the output will always be true and so the correct answer for this question would be “A”

Question 17

For this question, the mistake that I made while doing this was that I ignored the AND, what this means is that both of the conditions have to be met for the code to return true but I failed to recognize this. The correct answer thus would be D instead of B.

Question 30

For this question what I did wrong was that I rushed the question since I didn’t want to read the whole question and try each and every answer out so I just selected the option that closely resembled the 1st one and so I went with D instead of C. In the future, I should take my time.

Question 38

This question I got wrong because I didn’t pay attention to the wording on the answer choices, because when I was testing the answers out, I went with an even number so I ended up generalizing all the outcomes to the same thing and so the right answer wold be C. In the future, take my time.

Question 41

For this question, yet again, i rushed the question, I just chose the two options that closely resembled each other. C would restrict the voters to 1 so the right answer i D which would allow 20%.

Question 43

Here, the mistake that I made was that I was looking at it from the perspective that it had to be completed thing but I failed to recognize that simulations can be used to model projects before they are even completed. Thus, the right answer is C.

Question 50

This question I got wrong because I didn’t know how to convert the hexadecimal number into decimal but now after looking at the internet, I realized that its pretty easy to do, just take the first number for ex. 5, add 1 then multiply it by 5 and then add that number to the original number and you get the decimal value