Category 1: Purpose and Function

Our purpose is to provide users with a fun and interactive experience in which they can alleviate their boredom.

Category 2: Data Abstraction

The code segment will show the lists that we are using in order to store the scores and other types of information from the class ScoresListAPI in score.pyand then I will show the json form of the code to show how we made it simpler for the computer to understand

Category 3: Managing Complexity

I will show how the user’s data is complied all into one easy to read list and I would also describe hoe without the list, the data like the scores and who it belonged to would be all over the place and how we would require a large amount of variables and stuff to manage it and how un optimal it would be.

category 4: Procedural Abstraction

I will show the create(self) function and along with the other class function in the API folder to show how we are using procedures to modify and, add, delete, and update their scores and other stuff. I will then procede to describe its overall functionality since its makes the data condensed and easy to read for the computer.

Category 5: Algorithm Implementation

I would test out the database and show the lists convert into a nice and detailed table that has the information and algorithms for this criteria

Category 6: Testing

I will test the main leader board feature and also the other feature that i plan on making (a comparing two users feature).


We lack 4 different features that we all can present so we really kind of only have 2 different features, for the CPT, we are going need to create more features so that we all meet the requirements for the CPT and can get that 6/6 on it.