5.1 Notes

  • A Disrupter is something that changes the way
  • No critical thinking exists when using ChatCPT
  • Bias exists, causing limited perspective -> lack of creativity, perspective, and maybe technology in some cases

    5.1 Reflection

  • The Beneficial Effects that My Project Provides Includes:
    1. A create interactive experience
    2. A good pass of free time when bored and just want something quick and fun to do
    3. Has a fun little competitive side to it
  • The Potential Harmful Effects My Project has Includes:
    1. Addiction, games can lead to addiction and thus lead to harmful unhealthy habits to develop
    2. Cyberbullying is a possible threat if a player’s scores weren’t high, making them prone to being bullied online for their poor performance in games
    3. May not be completely working thus leading to a dissatisfying experience for the user of the program


      Dopamine plays a crucial role in how we feel pleasure and motivation. It’s what drives us to pursue things that make us happy, whether it’s food, chatting with friends, or being rewarded. But with social media and stuff, people are becoming detoxed to this sensation. This results in the attention span of people being greatly reduced and them being more likely to be distracted since they want to feel the dopamine rush. This is a huge problem since it leads to stuff like procrastinating and this leads to and unhealthy and harmful lifestyle. And so, people shouldn’t just treat it like it’s a hoax but actually think of it as a greater problem.

      Internet Blockers / Admin Passwords

      Internet blocker can be a good thing, they often protect students and others from accessing dangerous sites, however, they also might restrict a large amount of great resources such as AWS. Admin passwords enable users and admins to ensure the safety of their experience and there aren’t any cons to having it except for it would result in large damage if the password were to be leaked or found out

      5.2 Notes

  • Not everyone has access to technology like phones and laptops like we do
  • Some people are unable to afford or unable to access due to state of life
  • Country regulations, Religious reasons, refuses to use technology

    5.2 Reflection

    In a largely digital world like ours, a digital divide would mean that and unequal access to technology and knowledge would be present. This would affect things like jobs opportunities and education, causing a higher level of disparity between people with access and those without. Also with a large majority of mass communication and just normal day to day communication being done digitally, people would be unable to particpate in society equally, leading to some opinions not being heard and would result in a large bias.