Prepping for the N@TM:

During the class time that we had before the big presentation, we were making our final changes for the design of our site, blog and the information about all of us. We also agreed to distribute the parts to explain for the code. Edwin and Luka agreed to take turns presenting the Frontend and Backend

During the N@TM:

During night at the museum, we had presented to other students and parents who all came to see our projects. It started off very tense and stressful as more and more people started to come in, eventually, the room was filled up and the heat was crazy but we stuck through it all and came out of it alive. The first few presentations that we did were kinda sloppy but as more time started to pass, we got used to it and got much better. Everyone was very positive about the site we created and because all of the inputs put into the code people would stay and show up.

Post N@TM:

After our time period for presenting was over, I walked around and looked at some of the other projects and they were amazing, like one was a site for tracking the memebers in a club another one was a random qoute generator that tracked the likes and dislikes and then there was another site that was like a trivia thing. Overall, the experience was amazing and I would say that overall, it went really well and its definetly something that I will remember.

Pictures I took of people looking at our Project:

Luka and Edwin Explaining the calendar to a student at the N@TM

Emaad explaining the calendar to another student at del norte

Emaad explaining the calendar to another student at del norte