Final Score

My final score was 58/70

Things that went well:

  • Timing, I finished the whole test within 70 minutes

  • Understanding the problems that aren’t vocab related

Things I need to work on:

  • Vocabulary

  • Double checking the answers effectively

Key Takeaways: I suck at vocab and need to review vocab thoroughly

Plan to study for this:

Question 8:

This question was simple but I failed to recognize that that the starting value was 0 and not 1 so all the answers should’ve been even but I didn’t do that and so got this question wrong.

Question 14:

This question, what happened was I choose an option that was close to the answer, I failed to recognize teh small difference in between the answers thus why I got this question wrong.

Question 17:

This question I happened to get wrong because I thought that since we aren’t given the number of students, we can’t relate it to a proportionality and so I went with D but the answer is A because the conditions of the data only show the average not the actual assignment scores

Question 19:

This question I got wrong because I had the wrong interpretation of the code, hence why I got the question wrong, I choose options that are similar to the actual answer so at least I have some idea of what I am doing.

Question 20:

I got this question wrong because I forgot that binary is always 2^n but i just did 1*n which gave me 98, in the future, i need to remember that binary counts as 2 not 1

Question 23:

This question was a little bit confusing and I didn’t really understand how to do it, the way you do this question is through input different values to make the situation realistic. The right answer here is C since when both P and Q are true, it does result in false.

Question 32:

For this question, I hate the robot questions, they are definetly the ones that give me the hardest time but what I did wrong here is that I was rushing this question and forgot about the if/else statement didn’t apply the else statement to the 1st grid and that the robot would’ve gone through perfectly

Question 52:

For this question, although I didn’t get it wrong, I spent a lot more time than I should’ve on this question because I got confused, in the future, I should just take these problems slowly

Question 55:

For this question what I did wrong was that I rushed the question and I ended up selecting the wrong answer by accident since I thought I changed the answer but I guess not. Next time, I should double check that i selected the right answer.

Question 59:

This question I got wrong because I had the wrong interpretation of the code, hence why I got the question wrong, I choose options that are similar to the actual answer so at least I have some idea of what I am doing.

Question 63:

I got this question wrong because I forgot that binary is always 2^n but i just did 1*n which gave me 98, in the future, i need to remember that binary counts as 2 not 1

Question 68:

This question was a little bit confusing and I didn’t really understand how to do it, the way you do this question is through input different values to make the situation realistic. The right answer here is C since when both P and Q are true, it does result in false.