notecards = []

while True:
    term = input()
    if term == 'quit':

    definition = input()
    notecards.append((term, definition))

for card in notecards:
    print("Term:", card[0])
    print("Definition:", card[1])
Enter the term for your notecard (or enter 'quit' to stop):
Enter the definition for your notecard:
Enter the term for your notecard (or enter 'quit' to stop):
Enter the definition for your notecard:
Enter the term for your notecard (or enter 'quit' to stop):
Term: New Deal
Definition: FDR's programs that were used to help those without jobs to get jobs again and build up the infastructure again with public works like sewers systemss
Term: Black Tuesday
Definition: Stock Market Crash in 1929, October 29