What is a variable?

  • Has 3 parts: Name, value and type
  • An data abstraction that can hold a value
  • Make variable specific enough to understand

Types of data

  • Integer: A number
  • Text/String: A word
  • Boolean: Data that can be true or false


String: name = "table1" print(name, type(name))

Integer: number = 4 print(number, type(number))

Boolean: isAbsent = False print(isAbsent, type(isAbsent))


  • Enable value of a variable to be changed

Types of Assignments:

  • = : assigns value on right side to lest side
  • += : adds right side with left side and assigns that value to the left side
  • -= : subtracts right side with left and then assigns that value to the left
  • *= : multiplies right side with left and then assigns that value to the left
  • /= : divides right side with left and then assigns that value to the left
  • **= : Calculates exponent value using operands and assign value to left side

Changing Values:

1st Problem Prediction: num1 = 9 num2 = 9


2nd Problem Prediction: num1 = 42 num2 = 42 num3 = 15


3rd Problem Prediction: print(num2)


Data Abstraction Practice:

colorsList = ["green", "red", "pink", "purple", "blue", "brown"] # creating a index for each thing in the list
for i in colorsList: # recalling the indexes 
    print(i) # prints them 


class Question: 
    def __init__(self, prompt, answer): # Creating own data type
        self.prompt = prompt
        self.answer = answer
quesList = [ # list with the question and MC answers
    "Question 1.) Who is Roanldo playing for in the world cup?\n(a) Portugal\n(b) Argentina\n", 
    "Question 2.) What is 2+6\n(a) 8\n(b) 26\n",
    "Question 3.) What is the color of the sky\n(a) green\n(b) blue\n",
    "Question 4.) Who teaches this class?\n(a) Mr.Mortensen\n(b) Mr.Yeung\n"

questions = [  # defining the correct answers and the question associated with that answer using the class from above
    Question(quesList[0], "a"),
    Question(quesList[1], "a"),
    Question(quesList[2], "b"),
    Question(quesList[3], "a"),

def quiz(questions):  # creating a function
     score = 0 # setting base score
     for question in questions:
        print(question.prompt) # prints prompt with the mc 
        answer = input(question.prompt) # input for the answer
        print(answer +"\n")
        if answer == question.answer:
            score += 1 # adds one to the score if the answer was right, does nothing if not
     print("you got", score, "out of", len(questions)) # prints the number of questions correct over the number of questions

Question 1.) Who is Roanldo playing for in the world cup?
(a) Portugal
(b) Argentina


Question 2.) What is 2+6
(a) 8
(b) 26


Question 3.) What is the color of the sky
(a) green
(b) blue


Question 4.) Who teaches this class?
(a) Mr.Mortensen
(b) Mr.Yeung


you got 3 out of 4