Two Trimester focus planning

Capturing the data:

  • While demoing, we payed close attention to the questions that the people were asking us and the things they were struggling with and as well as the things that they enjoyed as a result, we were able to compose the list below:

Feedback from people:

  • Some problems that occurred was that maybe some people don’t know a person or who to draft so maybe a recommendations feature would eb helpful.
  • Maybe also have the player details also showup on the drafting as well.
  • The math behind how the teams are made was a little bit unclear so maybe trying to better explain or demo how the math was done for overall team score.

Implementation into future:

  • The idea of a recommendation feature seems pretty interesting and might be something that we would considering adding.
  • The math explanation would also be interesting.
  • The player stats on the drafting page as well would be interesting or make the player search draft for a team through there would also be a good feature.

Blog / article on you and team

Reflection on glows/grows from demo/presentations:


  • We weren’t that consistent with the presentation and didn’t manage to show all the features to everyone, this resulted in people missing out on the other features
  • Another grow is that the project doesn’t seem to get a lot of attention from adults, I feel that we could maybe make it a little bit more technical and have a feature that might capture the attention of the adults as well
  • There were times where people would slowly get disengaged while being presented to but we could probably prevent this by making the draft be selected by 2 different people on different screens (an idea we already had and started working on)


  • This project was perfect for capturing the eyes of many different people from the game age group and we got a lot of attention from teenagers especially
  • Our demonstration skills were really good and we were able to capture and keep attention for the whole presentation
  • We also had a very engaging hook and good planning that allowed us to get multiple people to walk over and come and listen to the presentation and we had good synergy since part us were really good at grabbing attention and others really good at presenting

Visuals and pics of team and people you talked:

Blog on event

Something you saw in CompSci that impressive:

One project that was really impressive was the mario game and honestly a lot of the CSSE class stuff, its pretty intriguing seeing as how professional and mature that they were and I felt that it was interesting to see the students explain the project to their best understanding and honestly, a lot of these people that made these projects, I hope they take the further classes and develop their skills and continue their hardwork.

Something you saw outside of CompSci that you liked:

One of the projects that was very interesting outside of the Computer Science Room was the drawing and painting class, we found drawing that we could really related with, for example there was a painting of kobe and also a paint of Mr.Mort that we thought were pretty cool and really relevant to us:

We also saw some drawing and painting of music which all of us enjoy and also a really unique drawing of fish: