Plans for this week


  • On Monday, me and Drew are going to be scheduling our review for the week on: Friday and we are going to be messing around on the site and personalize it and make it look more like a lab notebook


  • We will be messing with the Java console games and try to understand how they work and in what ways can we change it and improve on them


  • On Wednesday me and Drew will be working relatively individually finishing up anything we haven’t for the week and will maybe talk to each other when we need help.


  • On Thursday, me and Drew will be finishing up the review for this week and try to work on stuff for next week and fix some of the things mentioned yesterday


  • On Friday, me and Drew will be reviewing with Mr.Mort for this week and we will be trying to get a head start on some of the things that we need done next week and we will spend the day working on our own individual blogs